Hearing aids are an excellent way for nearly 30-million Americans to improve their hearing and enjoy their daily life in the way they deserve. Modern hearing aids come with a wide range of excellent features, including multi-directional settings ideal for hearing everything around you as well as face-to-face modes perfect for having a conversation in busy environments. If you have had hearing aids for a while, it could be time to upgrade them, so what exactly makes fall the perfect time to upgrade your hearing aids?

The Beautiful Fall Sounds

When you think of fall, what do you imagine? For many people, it’s the changing colors and the falling leaves, and for those who are not big fans of hot weather, you’ll be happy the temperatures are beginning to drop.

But what are the wonders of fall without being able to hear them? When you go outside, you want to hear the satisfying crunch of leaves beneath your feet. When you’re spending a cozy day indoors, you want to hear the calming pitter-patter of rain on your windows. If you sit around a bonfire, you want to hear that crackling sound that is almost hypnotizing. A hearing aid can make all of this and more possible.

Spending Time with Family

Fall also means you get to spend plenty of time with your family. Since summer is over, things are returning to a routine. People aren’t on vacation. They’re at home, and with days like Halloween and Thanksgiving on the horizon, you want to be able to make the most of it. Halloween brings the laughter of kids having the time of their lives and it’s an amazing thing to be a part of – and hear! Don’t you want to be able to hear everything going on during Thanksgiving dinner? Don’t you want to hear those in-jokes and recount stories with your nearest and dearest? Of course! So, if your hearing aid is not offering the same benefits it used to, you should research ways to upgrade it to ensure you get all of these benefits back.

Big Events

The fall season is all about big events, with the traditional Thanksgiving football game on everyone’s calendar at the very start of the year. If you’re lucky enough to witness this game in person, you need a hearing aid that offers the best experience. But, a hearing aid that is on its last legs means you’ll miss out on the atmosphere and energy. Therefore, if you are attending a football game or other event during the fall, upgrade your hearing aid as soon as possible so you can make the most of your experiences!

Improving Faults and Issues

The average hearing aid can last between three and seven years, depending on how much you use it and how well you care for it. It could have been a long time since you last upgraded your hearing aid, so now is the perfect time to solve that issue. You might even be surprised at how much hearing technology has improved since you last had your device fitted. Now, hearing aids offer an array of exceptional high-tech features that ensure you can enjoy a natural hearing experience wherever you are.

Other Festivities Coming Up

There are several holidays during fall, but there are even more coming up after fall. As the world moves into winter, you will have a range of other commitments and events to attend or plan. These can include winter holiday gatherings and New Year celebrations, as well as office parties.

And you will be extremely busy planning and preparing, with holiday shopping and working overtime to ensure you get that bonus. With so much to do and so little time, you won’t have the chance to book an appointment with your hearing instrument specialist (HIS) for a new hearing aid. So, it’s best to do all of that now to ensure you’re ready for the rest of the year.

Hearing Changes

You could have experienced hearing changes over the past year or since you last saw your HIS. This is often the case as you get older and your hearing continues to deteriorate. Maybe your hearing aid is not offering the same benefits for your level of hearing loss. If so, you need to upgrade your device quickly so you don’t miss out on anything that goes over the next few months.

Upgrade Today!

Get in touch with our office today to learn more about Byron’s Hudson Valley Hearing Aid Centers. You can call any of 845-481-9267, 845-232-2147 and 845-481-9266 to speak directly to one of our dedicated professionals who can provide all the information you need about upgrading your hearing aid in time for fall and beyond.

Tags: benefits of hearing aids, hearing aid basics, hearing aid repair