Hearing is a vital sense that we rely on, and when it’s gone, adapting can be hard. To prevent any unwanted surprises or issues due to hearing loss, regular check-ups are essential. Adults over the age of 50 should have their ears tested at least once every few years as hearing impairment may manifest without any warning signs.

What is a Hearing Screening?

A hearing screening is an assessment of your auditory perception. This evaluation, conducted by a hearing instrument specialist in the field, will measure how well you can interpret sound through both ears and quantify the clarity and volume level of what you hear. By undergoing this process, any potential issues or concerns with your hearing can be accurately diagnosed.

What Are the Signs of Hearing Loss?

If you are having trouble comprehending conversations even in fairly loud environments, it could be a sign of hearing loss. Other signs to look out for include a ringing or buzzing sound coming from your ears, needing to turn up the volume on devices like TVs and stereos more than usual, struggling to keep up with conversations or difficulty distinguishing higher-pitched noises such as birds chirping.

Early Detection

Hearing loss can have a major impact on your life. The sooner it’s detected, the easier and more effective the treatment will be. Regular hearing screenings are essential for the early detection of any changes in hearing ability.

Improved Quality of Life

With regular check-ups, any potential issues with your ears can be spotted before they become serious and affect your daily life. This allows you to maintain good hearing health and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Increased Safety

Due to difficulty understanding conversations in noisy environments, people with hearing impairments are at greater risk when outdoors or around heavy traffic areas as they may not be able to hear warning signals or honks clearly. Regular screenings help ensure that people don’t miss out on any vital safety information.

Reduced Stress

Hearing loss can often lead to social isolation and feelings of loneliness, as well as increased levels of stress due to difficulties in communicating with others. However, with regular check-ups, these risks can be reduced significantly, allowing you to stay connected with your loved ones and enjoy conversations without any worries or concerns.

What Happens During a Hearing Screening?

A hearing screening is a brief and straightforward evaluation that takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. It typically consists of the following tests.

Pure Tone Audiometry

This examination uses distinct tones at various intensities and frequencies to measure your hearing capabilities for each ear. It is among the most prevalent audiological tests used to uncover any impairment in hearing or other issues regarding one’s auditory sense.

Speech Recognition

During this evaluation, you will be asked to repeat words and sentences heard from headphones. This testing is highly important for gauging your capacity to recognize speech when it matters most – in noisy environments with conversations happening around you!

What Would Happen If a Hearing Instrument Specialist Found an Issue?

In the event that a hearing instrument specialist detects any issues related to your auditory capabilities, they may suggest additional exams or treatment options. These could include acquiring and utilizing hearing aids, as well as participating in other forms of sound therapy exercises.

With hearing aids, you can amplify sound and preserve your auditory wellness. You have a variety of sizes, styles and technologies to choose from when selecting the ideal one for you. To ensure that you make the best decision based on your lifestyle needs, consult a hearing instrument specialist who will guide you in finding a suitable aid.

When considering a hearing aid, there are three options to choose from:

  • Behind the ear (BTE): Placed snugly behind your ear, these devices connect to a personalized mold that is custom fitted into the contours of your ear.
  • In the ear (ITE): These devices are designed to effortlessly fit in your outer ear bowl, making them ideal for individuals with mild-to-moderately-severe hearing loss.
  • In the canal (ITC): Designed to fit snugly into your ear canals, these minuscule devices are perfect for those with mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

Hearing aids alone are not always sufficient to restore your hearing, so other auditory rehabilitation services, such as speech therapy or counseling, may be necessary. Your hearing instrument specialist will work with you one-on-one to create a personalized treatment plan that best suits your needs and goals.

To keep your auditory health in top condition and hear without distress or discomfort, you should have regular check-ups. Avoid putting off this crucial step to ensure that your ears stay healthy. To contact Byron’s Hudson Valley Hearing Aid Centers for a hearing screening today call us today at 845-481-9267, 845-232-2147 or 845-481-9266!

Tags: hearing loss diagnosis