Many people who experience hearing loss use hearing aids to improve their hearing. These devices are vital and many people rely on them for their day-to-day routines. Your hearing instrument specialist will provide you with advice or instructions to help you to take care of your hearing aid, which is crucial to help them function optimally.

As with any other device that you use often, hearing aids do need maintenance to keep them in the best condition. Otherwise, your hearing aid will become defective over time and may have a shorter lifespan than it should. Here are some tips to help you to do so.

Charging Your Hearing Aid

Like every other electronic device, hearing aids will run low on power. Hearing aids are powered by batteries, which will need recharging or replacing periodically. Your hearing aid may have a signal to tell you when the battery is low, or you may notice that it isn’t working properly. Any sound you hear may become distorted or quieter than it should. 

Depending on the type of hearing aid that you have, it may use different types of batteries. Your hearing instrument specialist will tell you what kind of batteries your hearing aid uses, and it’s important to use the right ones. The type of batteries you use may need to be treated differently.

Some hearing aids have a longer battery life than others, which means that they need changing or charging less often. Or, if you don’t wear your hearing aid constantly, the battery will last longer. However, most batteries will last for an average of at least five to ten days before you need to replace or recharge them.

If the batteries need to be replaced, then keep some spare batteries stocked up so that you never run out of them. Put your hearing aid on a soft cloth while replacing the battery, so that you won’t accidentally drop and damage it.

If your hearing aid is rechargeable, with rechargeable batteries or a power pack, then it will come with its own charger. Your hearing instrument specialist will tell you how long the charge should last and how long to plug the device in to recharge it. 

Cleaning Your Hearing Aid

Your hearing aids should ideally be cleaned every day to prevent a build-up of wax or dirt. Regular cleaning extends the lifespan of your hearing aid. Before cleaning, you should place your hearing aid onto a soft cloth. This way, if you knock or drop the device, you’re less likely to damage its delicate parts.

Depending on the style of your hearing aid, you will need to use different methods to clean them. Your hearing instrument specialist will go through the cleaning process with you.

If you have a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid, then you should wipe the external parts of the device with a dry cloth every day. The tubing should be changed at least every six months, or when you’re advised to the hearing instrument specialist.

If you use an in-the-ear (ITE) or in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid, then you should wipe it with a soft, dry cloth. You can also find moist cleaning wipes that are designed to clean hearing aids. If you use a moist wipe, then take care not to allow liquid into the microphone or the inner workings of the hearing aid.

ITE and ITC hearing aids have a filter system to prevent wax from getting into the device. This filter system should be changed regularly to prevent it from getting clogged up. You can also remove the wax with a small, soft brush. Always be very careful when cleaning your hearing aids.

Storing Your Hearing Aids

As well as taking care of your hearing aids by cleaning them and keeping the batteries well-charged, proper storage can also extend the lifespan of your hearing aid. Your hearing aid needs to be kept as dry as possible, as trapped moisture can damage the device and prevent it from working properly.

After cleaning the hearing aid, gently dry all the parts. Don’t use heat to dry your device, as this can damage the inner workings and plastic parts. Once they’re clean and dry, store our hearing aids in a clean, dry place. Don’t keep them near a source of heat or where children or pets can reach them.

You can find more information about hearing aids and how to care for them at Byron’s Hudson Valley Hearing Aid Centers. Please phone us at 845-481-9267, 845-232-2147 and 845-481-9266.

Tags: hearing aid maintenance tips