Hearing aids need to be fitted properly to help you get the most out of them. Some types of hearing aids need to be fitted to your ear or ear canal so that they fit comfortably. All hearing aids also need to be programmed to compensate for your specific level of hearing loss.

When you see a hearing instrument specialist (HIS) for a hearing aid fitting, they will make sure that your hearing aids are the right fit for you. However, if you feel like your hearing aids don’t fit well, you can always make an appointment to get the fit adjusted.

There are a few signs that can indicate that you are wearing an ill-fitting hearing aid. If you’re aware of the signs, you can get your hearing aids adjusted when you notice that they might not fit as well as they should.

Pain or Discomfort

One sign that you might be wearing a hearing aid that doesn’t fit too well is if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort in your ear. However, pain in your ear can also be caused by other things, so it’s important to rule out other potential issues. Ear pain could be due to an infection or injury, although your hearing aid could be causing the problem too.

If you are feeling pain in your ear, it could be because the hearing aid is the wrong size or you have inserted it incorrectly. It’s not unusual to feel some discomfort when you first start to wear hearing aids because it can take a little while to adjust. However, if your hearing aids still feel uncomfortable after the first few days, you might need to have them readjusted. Additionally, if you feel more than a little bit of discomfort, it’s likely your hearing aids aren’t fitting properly.

Your hearing aids can cause pain by rubbing or irritating your ears if they don’t fit well. You should see a hearing instrument specialist if you have a problem.

Volume Issues

As well as the physical fit of your hearing aids, the way that they are programmed also makes a difference to whether they fit you. When you first start to wear hearing aids, you might find it takes a little while to get used to the increased volume. It can take some time to adjust and feel the benefit from your new hearing aids. But if you feel like the volume isn’t right or you’re not getting the sound you want, it could be because the fit isn’t right.

When you go to a hearing aid fitting, your hearing instrument specialist will also program your hearing aids for you. They will do so according to your level of hearing loss but can also make adjustments if you feel like they are not programmed correctly.

Feedback from Your Hearing Aid

If you are hearing a whistling sound for your hearing aids, it could be caused by feedback. This happens when the hearing aid picks up on its own sound and continues to reamplify it on a loop. You might hear sounds such as whistling or chirping caused by this problem, which means that you can’t get the best sound from your hearing aids.

Getting the Right Fit from Your Hearing Aids

An ill-fitting hearing aid won’t give you the best hearing experience. If you think that you have hearing aids that don’t fit, you can correct the problem. If you haven’t had a hearing test for a while, getting a test should be your first step to ensure you have the right hearing aid.

Getting a hearing aid fitting with a hearing instrument specialist will help to ensure your hearing aids fit well. Even if you have just had a hearing aid fitting, returning for another fitting can help to correct any issues that you might be having. It’s a good idea to set up a follow-up appointment when you get new hearing aids so that you can discuss any issues and check up on how your hearing aids are working out for you.

When you get new hearing aids, start by wearing them for only a few hours at a time. This will help you to get used to them and adjust to them. Try to avoid loud or busy environments at first. Get in touch with us at Byron’s Hudson Valley Hearing Aid Centers to make an appointment for a hearing aid fitting. Call at 845-481-9267, 845-232-2147 or 845-481-9266.

Tags: hearing aid fitting, hearing aid tips